
Original Size 9 × 6 in
Print Size Options

11 x 8 in, 14.5 x 10 in, 4.25 x 5.5 in. Greeting Cards (10/pack) with Envelopes, 9 x 6 in

SKU: 012 Categories: , Tags: ,

Nostalgia is often fueled by places such as family houses. Warrawee is Gans’s grandparents’ home in Haverford, Pennsylvania, where he spent many a family Christmas, and lived himself while in college. Even though the house is no longer in the family, this 1974 pencil drawing of Warrawee in the snow holds many warm memories.


Printed at noted size plus margin.

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Original Size 9 × 6 in
Print Size Options

11 x 8 in, 14.5 x 10 in, 4.25 x 5.5 in. Greeting Cards (10/pack) with Envelopes, 9 x 6 in

SKU: 012 Categories: , Tags: ,