Tough Enough

Original Size 8 × 7 in
Print Size Options

10.5 x 9 in, 4.25 x 5.5 in. Greeting Cards (10/pack) with Envelopes, 8 x 7 in, 11.5 x 10 in

SKU: 018 Category: Tags: , ,

Tough Enough was a scrappy little dog from a book that Gans’s daughter loved as a child. For fun, Gans threw together this pencil sketch for her in 1980. After an adventurous life that included almost getting thrown away, this pushpin-pocked portrait now hangs in his daughter’s house.


Printed at noted size plus margin.

Tax & shipping included.

Original Size 8 × 7 in
Print Size Options

10.5 x 9 in, 4.25 x 5.5 in. Greeting Cards (10/pack) with Envelopes, 8 x 7 in, 11.5 x 10 in

SKU: 018 Category: Tags: , ,